District Chairman's Message

Greetings to the Executive Committee of the "new" Third District!

Call to Convention!

First let me take a minute to apologize for the communications around our upcoming District Convention.  Yes, we are having a District Convention for the 11 Counties in the new Third District hereinafter referred to as the 3rd Congressional District!  The Executive Team has been working very hard to pull something together and we think we now have most of it finalized.  Our Convention will be on Saturday, December 9th at 1:00 PM in Bldg. 10 at Beaufort County Community College, 5337 US HWY 264 EAST, WASHINGTON, NC 27889. REGISTRATION WILL OPEN AT 10:00 AND CLOSE AT 12:30 PM.  THERE WILL NOT BE ANY CREDENTIALING DONE DURING REGISTRATION.  Credentials Chair Stephanie Broughton will be sending out a notice to all Credentialed Delegates in the next day or so.  Your County Chairs should have the list of Delegates and Alternates from your County Convention this past March. 

The primary purpose of our District Convention is to elect new officers for the 2023-2025 term.  I encourage you to let Jordan Hennessy know if you are willing to stand for any of the Officer positions.  Applications are available on the website, https://3rdcd.nc.gop , along with other convention information under heading '2023 3rd CD Convention'. I have previously asked our County Chairs to nominate someone to serve as a member at large (MAL) from their County, each County is entitled to elect 1 MAL.  We will elect the remaining allocation of MAL's at the next Executive Committee meeting following the Convention.  Our allocation for MAL has not changed, it is still 23. 

I share your frustration and anger about this entire process and hope we can get past that and look forward to getting this behind us as quickly as possible because there is one thing we can all agree on........WE must be prepared to work harder than ever before in 2024 and have a total commitment to elect candidates that can bring about the changes needed to restore the American principles of our founding fathers. Right now, the Socialists are winning, and it is going to take all we have to turn the tide.

Let's join together as Conservative Republicans and do what we always do, get the job done!  Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and PATIENCE!

We will not have an Executive Committee meeting in November.  

Dave Wickersham

Chairman, Third District



Link to register to register for the Convention on Eventbrite: Registration for 3rd CD Convention